Two weeks in California. My friend Morimekta and me rented a new Ford Mustang and drove highway 1 from San Francisco, to LA, Palm Springs, Joshua Tree Park (did some climbing) and bac k again, stopping by six flags amusement park and what not. Shoddy motels with broken door panes and brown, synthetic leather toilet seats, shops that make you go dizzy with their size and article range, fat people, humongous portions of food, etc. We actually ended up eating a lot of sushi, as anything else was to much for us.
Well, came back, and it was as if I'd never been away, I plumbed right back into work and it's mentality. I guess I made up my mind right about then that I needed to do something else.
Easter: Went with a friend to the south east of Sweden for climbing. It was great, but a tad bit cold. Really want to do more climbing.
Quit my job. Still working, as there's a 3 month period to complete before leaving.
Have finally decided that I'm going on a bicycle vacation. I'll be biking around Europe visiting places of esoteric knowledge and good climbing. Well, haven't planned much really, I'll make plans as I go.
Got together with a few second cousins and planned christmas. It's set in Gambia, as one of them will go to teach english there. My bicycle vacation will hence go there. And I've promised my mother not to do any silly things, so I'll see if I'll ditch the bike before that time, and go by train and car.

(Soergjoeslingan. We stayed in the nearest red hut.)
Went with my mother, an aunt and a cousin to Soer-Gjoeslingan, an abandoned weather-torn fishermans village off the coast, north of Trondheim. Did volunteer work on the museum buildings there, and caught my first crab while free diving. Cooked it and ate it. A really great weekend.

(This I caught later, but it tasted just as good.)
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