Monday 11 August 2008

A few measly km's...

Didn't do much more in Munich, besides going to the Deutsches Museum: What a place! There really is something for everyone there. A technical museum with the budget of the MIR space station. My musical friends would love the piano section of the place (among other things, the development of the hammer hitting the strings in pianos), my steam power interested friend would have a whole building to enjoy, etc etc. People aren't lying when they say they can spend several days at that place...

So. The road awaited. Getting out of Munich wasn't that bad, actually. Think I only biked 5 km wrong... One thing I quickly discovered, was that you can't trust the German bike-signs. They will certainly lead you astray. When I wanted to go to Böbing, I took the mountainbike-route. Not very effective, as to which the picture below testifies.

First night I stayed at a camping ground, which was expensive and overcrowded. After a good nights rest I went on, and the next night I spent at a tourist stable. Quite nice, actually, I had 4 horses as *neigh*bours. (sorry to the pun sensitive people out there). An expensive breakfast in the morning, and I was off again.

It was really very nice to ride along the foothills to the alps. When I got tired in the up hills, I simply took a rest and enjoyed the view. Don't think I ever stopped in the downhills... =)

See the pictures in my picasa album.

After 2 nights and 3 days of cozy cycling, I finally found the first signposts to Immenstadt, and suddenly I was there. Rejoice!

1 comment:

  1. Feil lenke.. :-)
    byttet ut .de med .no, og da gikk alt så meget bedre:
