In the hopes of getting a grape picking job, I've been hanging around Yverdon and Lausanne, just enjoying life and the nice people I meet (everybody should be members of the hospitalityclub, really!). It suddenly seemed like a good idea to learn french, so I made a few preparations. I've also bought a cheap ultraportable linux laptop.
The purpose of this trip is constant, but the means change constantly. This is an educational journey, but it seems to be hard to "just" travel; motivations fly here and there. And when I'm about to leave one place for the next, a feeling of slight dread hits me: The simple fear of the unknown. Wonderful! This is absolutely not a 8-to-16 job. But it would be nice if it paid better...
Håper du trives på turen i hvert fall :) *høstklem fra Oslo* Khi