Hello there, those of you that are of norwegian origin! (And everybody else that reads this crap.) I need some advice. As I travel around, I stay with many nice people, and we have a nice exchange of cultures. Among other things, we try out each other's different foods, and I've made a few norwegian dishes. As I'm not really a cook and my imagination is truly lame, can you help me?
So far I've made norwegian style pancakes (painnkak, sjø), chicken-in-the-stove with blasted potatoes (stekt kylling m. ovnsstekte potteta, sjø), salmon cotelettes with potatoes and cucumber salad (fesk, sjø), sour cream porridge (rømmegraut, sjø) and sheep-in-cabbage (fårikål, sainnt ja?). These dishes has been devoured with various reception, mostly positive.
What can I make next? It is often a bit difficult to get the right ingredients (I truly miss brown cheese and tyttebær (sjø)), so it's gotta be slightly simple. Post your comment today! Thank you in advance.
Hy Eskild.
ReplyDeleteIt's too bad you can't get a hold on a Grandiosa....or maybe it's for the better...tihi.
I would suggest that you can make a really nice grønnsaksuppe with poteta, gulrøtter and the rest we norwegians put in it...boil it a bit to long and simsalabim....lapskaus!!!
I must tell you; several times now we at the luch table (John, Martin, Bob and I) have pointed out that we don't talk that much toilette anymore....we miss you Eskild;)
No, really....we do:)
Hello Eskild. What about Norwegian Meatballs (kjøttkak!)? It's not so very difficult, you can search for a recipe on: http://www.aperitif.no
ReplyDeleteYou search for "kjøttkaker".
You can leave out some of the spices (ingefær og muskat) from the recipe, I don't use those spices. Instead you can add some onnion (hakket kepaløk eller rødløk)
Good luck on your journey!
Anita F.
Du kan jo prøve deg på en "helnorsk" hjemmelaget pizza.. uhm.. Hva med kokt torsk med eggesmør & poteter? Hønsefrikasé? Fiskepudding (hvis du finner da)? Ribbe?
ReplyDeleteHva med brennende kjærlighet. Stek løk, bacon, sopp og pølsebiter til en herlig røre og server med potetmos, gjerne den hjemmelagede typen med masse smør og crème fraîche eller utenlandske slektninger. Eller fiskegrateng, internett har sikkert ei oppskrift. Eller sodd, selv om det kanskje er vanskelig å finne ferdige bøtter utenlands.
ReplyDeleteOg vet du hva? Jeg har begynt med yoga og det gjør vond!
Thank you all for your wonderful suggestions! I will certainly not be in need of inspiration now. I'll keep you posted on how the dishes are received. =)
ReplyDeletehei hei kjære nevø !!
ReplyDeleteprøv med klubb å duppe,,, litt kjedelig uten brun ost.. men den kan jo også lages.... litt myse etter ostelaging, og noen timers koking så har du brun ost oxo